A big "thank you" goes out to The Chicago Wolves Hockey Team and their Mascot "Skates" for this great autographed picture that Skates did for The Werewolf Café.  The Chicago Wolves are a great hockey team (they were the 1998, 2000 and 2002 Turner Cup Champions) and sponsor a number of charities which you can see on their website at www.chicagowolves.com (this posting is very appropriate for this site, as The Chicago Wolves have a slogan that goes "these guys are animals" and on their merchandise brochures it reads "Wear Wolves").


five comments:

Heh…I almost wanna be a Hockey Fan now! ;)
Bill Taylor/RedStreak () - December 27 2004 - 11:11

Skates you Rock!
Jim - December 27 2004 - 11:56

Cool mascot! Why there are not much wolves/werewolves as mascots? Do you have a picture of Crunch the Timberwolves Basketball Team Mascot?
BlueEyesWolf - December 28 2004 - 02:51

BlueEyesWolf, we are currently working on your request.
Full Moon - December 30 2004 - 09:04

REALLY? Thanks!
BlueEyesWolf - January 25 2005 - 02:55

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