A few at the Café may have heard of Yugioh, the trading card game...but I imagine even fewer were aware there were wolves among the decks!

I've made a hobby of sorts to collect all the Yugioh-variety of canines, including the Nin-Ken Dog, which bears a curious ressemblance to Ninjawolf, a three-headed, burning Cerberus, and Silver Fang...a majetic-looking white wolf. Of course...the one I favor most is the Wolf Axwielder who is definetely the werewolf of this (card) pack!

Appropriately enough...I've got a moon among my cards to accompany my hounds of the game board.

Yugio Wolves

three comments:

RedStreak, those cards are very cool. They remind me of the Rage cards I have in my collection at home. Great post.
The Busboy - December 27 2004 - 16:31

I have a new card now – ‘Fox Fire’. On that card it has a cute fox with a flame on the tip of his tail. Next full moon I’ll post him up for show.
Bill Taylor/RedStreak () - December 27 2004 - 22:15

Yep! I remember these cards! ;)
BlueEyesWolf - December 28 2004 - 03:10

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