I'm preparing for a meeting (which is also an informal job interview) with the folks who are making the upcoming independent film, "Lycan Rising," here in McAllen, Texas. This means I'm doing lots of werewolf drawings right now, and I will probably spend much of tomorrow going through my very old ones. Anyway, last night I drew this one up, among others, and was so happy with it that I thought I'd submit it. Now, don't expect this type of werewolf in the film. The plan is for something much more human in form. Personally, I like both styles, beastly werewolf (like you see here), and more human style, as in "Wolf" and "The Wolf Man," but I'm sure many of you have a preference one way or the other.

Werewolf Fave

three comments, already:

Regardless of preference, I like this werewolf. It’s obviously dominantly wolf, but looking at it I think it retains a few vaguely human characterestics, and not just the clothes.

Hope the interview goes well and I’m sure they’ll love your wrenderings as I do. :)
Bill Taylor () - January 25 2005 - 23:15

My sentiments exactly, slave2moonlight!

GASP! Did I just agree with RedStreak??
BlueEyesWolf - January 26 2005 - 02:33

Super sweet picture S2M, you constanly amaze me.
Jim - January 26 2005 - 07:46

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