Submited by: slave2moonlight

Hey, Wagner Werewolf fans! Good news! The Wagner Werewolf Store is finally open for business, just in time for Christmas! Now, there are only a few different graphics available so far, but check back often, as I'll be adding more variety to the merchandise as often as possible! I had hoped to have the Wagner Werewolf Christmas and Halloween storybooks available for this year, but time makes fools of us all, so check the store out now and again to see when they finally appear. They're in the works and will surely be available in time for Halloween and Christmas 2006! In the meantime, please show your Wagner Werewolf support by checking the store out and maybe even picking up an item or two! Prices are a bit lower right now for this Grand Opening period! Happy shopping!

Wager Werewolf Store

two comments, already:

Saw the Wagner stuff at cafepress. Do they have all of just Wagner’s face? There was just a few items with him in full-body.
BlueEyesWolf - November 19 2005 - 01:06

Hey Blue. At the moment, most items have the face pic with Wagner’s name, and there are around 3 items or so with the full-body “sketch” style image, and there are some items that feature actual Wagner comics. I hope to add more designs very soon when I get the chance to design them. I’ll keep ya posted. If you have any suggestions of a design you’d like to see, I’m eager to hear them. Thanks for checking the store out!
slave2moonlight - November 19 2005 - 21:41

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