Meant to submit these a long time ago. Here's one of 3 personally designed werewolf cards I've received from BlueEyesWolf. Thanks, BlueEyes! This is a Birthday Card from 1995.

Birthday card from BlueEyesWolf

Here's last year's Christmas card from BlueEyesWolf.

Christmas card from BlueEyesWolf

Here's the birthday card I received from BlueEyesWolf last April. The wolf angel and devil on my shoulders are an inside joke for the big Disney fans here like BlueEyes and myself. They're played by Primo, the primitive side of Pluto's personality. Great work, Blue!

Birthday card from BlueEyesWolf

two comments, already:

Little type-o about that first one, gang. That should say 2005, not 1995.
slave2moonlight () (URL) - September 07 2006 - 04:44

Hhhahaha, nice to see my cards that I made for Slave2Moonlight in here.

One little mistake, the first card should be 2005, NOT 1995 and yes, it’s a spoof of Bob’s Big Boy mascot.

The second card is all Disney wolves. From top to bottom, left to right. Mean’ Ol Wolfie From “Bonkers” (TV animated series ), Akela from “The Jungle Book”, Lil ‘Bad’ Wolf, The Wolf from “Peter and the Wolf”, The Big Bad Wolf from “The Three Little Pigs, and The Sheriff of Nottingham from “Robin Hood”.

Slave2Moonlight already explained the third card for me.
BlueEyesWolf - September 07 2006 - 04:53

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