Here's one I did yesterday morning and was fairly happy with. It could easily be considered an illustration from my old "Van Helsing and Gevaudan" comic strip, or it could just be any other werewolf vampire hunter. This may give you a clue to one of the reasons I really liked the film "Van Helsing," despite how many other folks felt about it. The ending was like something right out of my old "Van Helsing and Gevaudan" comic. In my storyline, a young, male werewolf named Devon Gevaudon teams up with Christina Van Helsing, an orphaned direct descendant of Prof. Abraham Van Helsing. The pair travel the world on a quest to destroy vampires (the natural instict of all werewolves: creatures originally created by divine intervention for that very purpose). To guide them, they have bundles of letters sent to Christina's family over the years, all asking desperately for help with vampire attacks. Fun Fact: I named Christina Van Helsing after Christina Ricci, whom I was crushing on major at the time I was doing the strip.

Vampire Slayer

Only one comment:

Awesome picture!
Jim - August 30 2004 - 12:34

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